Obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in Singapore during COVID-19

Obtaining Permanent Residency (PR) in Singapore during COVID-19

Since the beginning of Covid-19, the Singapore government’s resources have been exerted to contain the spread in the community. This has resulted in a longer processing time for PR applications. However, with restrictions easing, community cases under control and foreigners acting as driving force of Singapore’s economy, the applications to approve new PRs and Citizens are continuing to be processed.

Who is eligible for Permanent Residency (PR) in Singapore?

If you are a current work pass holder on an Employment Pass, Personalised Employment Pass, EntrePass or S Pass, and have worked in Singapore for at least six months, you will be eligible to apply for Singapore PR status. According to 2020 data from the Singapore Government, there is at least 521,000 permanent residents residing in Singapore. Singapore PR holders enjoy many of the benefits and rights that are given to full Singaporean citizens.                                                             

Benefits of becoming a Permanent Resident in Singapore:

1. You will be able to live, enter and leave the country without having to apply for separate visas to work or travel. COVID-19 restrictions for entering and leaving Singapore continue to remain in place, please visit the ICA website for more information regarding this.

2. You may include your spouse and unmarried children under 21 into your PR application. If your children are school-aged, they could be higher ranked on the priority list, behind citizens, to enter public schools of your own choosing.

3. You can apply for Long-Term Visit Pass for your parents.

4. You can change jobs freely without having to re-apply for a Singapore work permit. If you hold a work-related Singapore visa and want to change jobs, you will have to cancel your old Singapore visa and re-apply for a new one – at the risk of delay or rejection.

5. You will be able to reap the financial and tax benefits provided by Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme. Under the CPF scheme, you and your employer contribute a monthly minimum amount to your pension fund, which can be used for purposes related to health care, home-ownership, family protection and growing your assets.

6. Apply and get a greater priority to borrow money and get lending from banks, such as housing loans to purchase property. Singapore PR holders are also eligible to buy second-hand units of government HDB flats (only citizens can purchase new flats).

7. Be eligible to apply for full Singapore citizenship after a number of years of having permanent residence status, in which you will be able to obtain a Singaporean passport and enjoy the same rights as locally-born citizens.

Need help applying for PR?

Hawksford has helped thousands of individuals and families establish their roots in Singapore. Receive expert guidance and pre-application information and advice on PR schemes as well as assistance with completion and guidance on the filing of the PR application.

Book in your complimentary PR consultation now!



21 Jan 2021
Singapore Expats